What is small metal garden fencing?
Small metal garden fencing typically refers to a one inch or smaller opening size metal fence, or fence with a one inch or smaller opening size bottom. Rabbits and other rodents can push through 1 ½ inch openings to access your garden. The smaller the opening size, the more animals you can keep out.
How is this type of fencing different from decorative metal garden fence panels?
These types of metal garden fences have small opening sizes are buried at the bottom of the fence or overlapped and pinned to the ground with stakes to prevent animals from digging under the fence. This is an important distinction between what you may see in big box stores (hammer in garden fence panels).
Is metal garden fencing more expensive than wood?
Yes. In most cases, metal is more expensive than wood. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Metal fencing with posts and framing will last longer, is easier to install and is less visible. Wood does not last as long, has a different design/look and takes longer to install. A common blend of metal garden fence design includes wood framing (top, sides and bottom with posts) paired with a small opening size metal mesh in the middle. Overall, it really comes down to preference and how you want your project to look in the end.
What is the best metal garden fence?
The best metal garden fence effectively keeps out all the animals you are trying to stop from eating your plants. This varies greatly depending on the types of plants and the types of animals in your area. For example, a berry enclosure needs four sides and a top with smaller opening size fencing to keep out birds.
What are the best metal garden fences for 2023?
The best and most common metal garden fence for 2023 (compared to traditional, older metal garden fence types) is one that keeps out more animals with smaller opening size mesh overlapped and pinned to the ground or buried in the ground.