Deer Proof Fence from Benner's Gardens
Mar 5th 2024

Deer Proof Fence from Benner's Gardens
Benner's Gardens deer proof fence has been the leading solution for garden protection for over 30 years. Our deer proof fence has assisted thousands of home owner and professional landscapers alike save their gardens and lawns from the damages accumulated by deer. We are a family owned business that is centered on the integrity of our name, and the quality of our products. We are dedicated to bringing our clients the highest customer service standards available. We are devoted to satisfaction and continuing long term relationships with all of our customers, employees, installers and vendors. We believe that our reputation and outstanding product will speak for itself.
Our deer proof fence is designed to be heavy duty, and has been time tested to last for many years. Our high quality deer proof fence will outlast the harshest elements. Your deer proof fence from Benner's Gardens will endure well past the average life of a metal or wood fence, and will require a lot less maintenance. Once you have installed the deer proof fence, chances are, you might forget that you even have it, because it will require that little of maintenance. We pride ourselves on being able to provide you with a deer proof fence that is both effective and affordable. We strive to provide you with a deer proof fence solution that is of the highest craftsmanship. We offer a better quality product than any other fencing solution company, at an unbeatable price. The deer proof fence from Benner's Gardens is a fencing solution for everyone.
Each kit comes with steel support posts that are inserted into the ground. The fence is then attached to the support posts with heavy duty zip ties. The design of the fence is very simple, yet very effective. Each deer proof fence kit can also be customized to include more posts, stronger ties and nylon reinforcement cable, to fortify your deer proof fence, depending on the tenacity of the animals you are trying to protect your lawn or garden from. Benner's Gardens also offers accessories for our deer proof fences that include access gates and rodent barriers. We also offer accessories that can make your deer proof fence taller for low spots in your yard where animals might try to jump the fence. The deer proof fence can vary in height from 5 to 7-1/2 feet high, and each roll of fencing can cover a distance of 100 to 330 feet long. Our deer proof fence can be tailored to fit your specific landscaping needs.
Another novel feature of the deer proof fence from Benner's Gardens is its ability to be "chew-proof". The way the mesh fencing is designed, the holes in the fence are too small for deer to be able to get their teeth on it. This means they won't be able to chew a hole through the fence. It also appeals to those who are looking for a humane deer proof fence, by not allowing the deer to injure themselves on the fence. The way the mesh is designed also will allow it to be virtually invisible from 20 feet away. This is great for people who are interested in deer proofing their lawn or gardens, but don't want a visual obstruction distracting attention from the beautiful landscaping they have worked so hard for. You won't be able to notice the deer proof fence from Benner's Gardens, but you will know it's working, because deer damage in your yard will be a thing of the past.
We also offer seasonal bed protectors that offer temporary deer proof fencing. They are designed to be removable and reusable, so you can have them for many years. The purpose of this type of fencing is to protect your lawn's flower beds in the winter time, when deer tend to be more of a problem. This temporary deer fence solution is great for people who have very delicate, yearlong plants, that don't want them to be damaged.
Benner's Gardens deer proof fence is here to offer you the best level of protection from deer damage for the delicate landscape that you have worked hard to construct. Our deer proof fence will protect your yard and keep it looking great. If you're looking for a way to keep deer from eating your plants, don't just put in any type of fence; put in a Benner's Gardens deer proof fence.
For more deer fence information, please visit our homepage